Happy Ketoversary!

old & new jeans

And now for a happy story, as I feel like we need more of them after what’s happened this past week.

There’s a big story behind the two pairs of jeans in the header pic. Emphasis on “big.”

It was the day after Christmas, 2021. I looked at naked myself in the mirror right before my morning shower and made the same face whenever I get an unexpected bill. I had some nice Christmas presents that year, but an in-shape figure was not one of them. Simply put, my ass was out of shape. Before that realization, I grudgingly accepted my out-of-shape ass, and if I ever felt the least bit self-conscious over it, I’d eat a little less and exercise more. After all, those were the ways to weight loss, right? But despite cutting back on the bacon & chips and running a little more on my workout days and having my fruit and potatoes, I saw no damn results. I stayed around the same size and weight, and that day after Christmas, something in me actually wanted change. I didn’t seek out to make a heavily cliched New Year’s resolution that day, but it happened.

Then I wondered: how the hell am I gonna make that change?

Right after that wake-up call, I researched all sorts of diets that could help me out. The one that intrigued me the most was the Keto/Low-Carb lifestyle. Back in the 2000s when I first heard of a low-carb diet (then known as the Atkins diet), I balked at the idea of giving up my starches to shed the pounds. No way was I gonna let Dr. Atkins take away my potatoes and crackers. As I read more on the keto way of eating, I found out that it was those same potatoes and crackers that were fattening me up thanks to their high carb/sugar count, which I found unusual considering that I always thought I was eating healthy. Who knew so-called healthy foods were also doing damage? Or so I read.

I can’t say how and why I chose a lifestyle sans refined carbs and sugar, although maybe it had to do with two things. One: I tried almost every other diet/weight loss product out there and nothing worked. I lived through the days of “slimming tea” and Hydroxycut, so I should know. And two: having had weight struggles since childhood, at that point in my life, I’d try almost anything to shed the adipose. If giving up former faves like whole wheat bread, whole grain crackers, and bananas was the way to a new figure, then so be it.

Knowing that it was going to be a bumpy transition from high-carb to low-carb considering my eating habits, I chose to ease into it instead of quitting carbs cold turkey. I’ll admit, my heart ached when I had to say goodbye to my precious chips & crackers (one of my former addictions), apples & bananas (yep, I can’t have too much of them anymore), falafel patties, and croissants from Costco. But as the days went on, I started noticing some changes. Clothes started to feel a touch looser. My energy levels increased, as did my need to use the bathroom. I read that water weight was the first to go upon starting a low-carb/keto lifestyle, and while I also heard about that “keto flu”, I was lucky to not have experienced that (thank you, ketoade). By the end of the month, I had dropped a pant size. It was just one size but I was stoked.

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Message Of The Day (1.27.23)

Gonna let Bernie take this one…

It’s terrifying to think this will likely not be the last wrongful act of police violence against people of color for this year. And we’re still in January.

My heart goes out to Tyre’s family.

Me Time Rules

I’ve always been about Me time, but I never knew its value until this past Monday.

I worked a packed schedule for five days straight last week–something I normally don’t do. I’m usually at my day job four days a week, but I had to cover for someone who was out sick. My job happens to be a physical one, and I’m kinda surprised my body is still holding up after doing said job for eleven years. Then there was my commute, all done in the cold, pouring (and occasionally windy) rain. Oh, and my PMS just had to arrive at the same time. When I came home Sunday night, I felt both relieved and fucking drained. Relieved in that my work week was finally over, and fucking drained because obviously. Sure, my paycheck will be looking a little nicer come next payday for that extra day of work. But I felt like I sacrificed something far more important than a few extra bucks on my paycheck: my mental and physical health.

When I woke up from my much-needed long sleep on Monday, it felt like my batteries got recharged. Not really up to 100%, but I was getting there. I’m usually off Mondays and Tuesdays (aka my “weekend”), and that Monday morning, I realized how damn important Me time is. I did as I pleased on MLK day: stayed home (in which I am its only inhabitant, thankfully), watched NBA games, came up with more story ideas for my latest novel-in-progress, making good food if you’ve noticed my Instagram…And once I took a bite of my homemade low-carb pizza pocket (they exist, tastes like the high-carb version, and you can make ’em, too) for lunch, it was as if my skin had cleared up, my debts had been paid off, and all the misogynists, homophobes, and racists in the world were reduced to dust. OK, that didn’t happen, but I did feel revitalized. Even Me time can taste good, too.

These Cool Poems – MLK Day Edition

Today is MLK Day, and while I could’ve done another Quote Of The Moment/Message Of The Day post, I was more intrigued by these two poems that honor the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.

“Won’t You Celebrate With Me”Lucille Clifton

won’t you celebrate with me
what i have shaped into
a kind of life? i had no model.
born in babylon
both nonwhite and woman
what did i see to be except myself?
i made it up
here on this bridge between
starshine and clay,
my one hand holding tight
my other hand; come celebrate
with me that everyday
something has tried to kill me
and has failed.


“In Memoriam: Martin Luther King Jr.”June Jordan

honey people murder mercy U.S.A.
the milkland turn to monsters teach
to kill to violate pull down destroy
the weakly freedom growing fruit
from being born
tomorrow yesterday rip rape
exacerbate despoil disfigure
crazy running threat the
deadly thrall
appall belief dispel
the wildlife burn the breast
the onward tongue
the outward hand
deform the normal rainy
riot sunshine shelter wreck
of darkness derogate
delimit blank
explode deprive
assassinate and batten up
like bullets fatten up
the raving greed
reactivate a springtime
death by men by more
than you or I can
They sleep who know a regulated place
or pulse or tide or changing sky
according to some universal
stage direction obvious
like shorewashed shells
we share an afternoon of mourning
in between no next predictable
except for wild reversal hearse rehearsal
bleach the blacklong lunging
ritual of fright insanity and more
deplorable abortion
more and

Now Playing (1.14.23)

I need some comfort amidst all the rain we’re having and PMS creeping up on me. Enter some mid-90s chill-out soul to soothe me on this Saturday/Sunday night…

(Side note: I’m aware of how problematic Erykah has been recently. :-/ )

Happy 30th anniversary to this jam!

And, since it’s still pouring out there…

(I haven’t seen this video in eons and forgot that part where it snows. Whaaaat.)

If there’s one thing I can be grateful for, it’s growing up during a time when songs like these were mainstream. Growing up in the 90s was a mixed bag for me personally, although I can definitely acknowledge it was a golden time for pop culture, fashion, and entertainment. Songs (and music videos) like these prove the latter, and they (along with many other songs) helped me escape from whatever shit I was going through then. It wasn’t all party & sex songs; there was emotion and true soul, honey. It’s easy to lament over the absence of music like this in today’s landscape, but you know what’s easier? Putting on Mary’s “My Life” album while shutting out all the cacophony from today, and just chillin’ to it.

New Year, New Candle


It’s a new year and I think I’m in love. With this candle, of course! I’m not sure when was the last time a new candle swept me off my feet. In a way, buying Overose’s Euphoriasme was a blind buy since I haven’t seen any Overose candles in stores. Not even Sephora, which sells Overose, carried their candles in their stores. (If you’re wondering what I’ll be reading with this candle, I still haven’t finished Mimi’s autobio yet.) Its notes, according to Sephora’s site, of “Warm Croissant, Cranberries,” and “Crème Brulée” intrigued me; its sales price at the time (drove me to buy it. Finally, a gourmand candle that’s paraffin-free! Within minutes of lighting this, my apartment was filled with the aromas of a fruit jam factory that also sells fresh-cut rose bouquets. I never had a candle with a pairing of such scents until now, but I like it. And the throw is strong!