And Tonight, I Get Lit

candle and cat

I’d grumble over my long work weekend happening the same time as 420 weekend, but, honestly, it’s been years since I smoked weed, so I’m not really missing out. I occasionally indulge in a small edible, but that’s about it. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to get into the 420 spirit tonight! I’ve had that Malin + Goetz candle for over a year now, and, yes, I only bring it out during 420 time. (Although its bold aroma can work for cold days of late fall and winter.) Does it smell like cannabis? No, but anyone who enjoys that dank woodsy scent would like it. Happy 420, everyone! 💚

(And watching the flame is my pet “cat” that I got at Trader Joe’s last Halloween. Isn’t he cute?)

Rainbows And Votes

How I’m celebrating this holiday: by admiring the sights of rainbows from my studio apartment and getting out to vote! The weather here still isn’t pretty, but I’ll always enjoy a rainbow sighting (the one pretty thing to come from this icky rain). And my state’s Primary Election Day is in two weeks. If you haven’t yet voted in your state’s primaries, get out and vote! These days, all elections matter!

Quote Of The Moment (12.31.23)

Yup. Although I’ll be more focused on writing my latest work-in-progress instead of the NYE festivities on TV tonight. A book can’t write itself, you know!
Happy New Years to you all! 🥳🍾

A Halloween Stunner

I’m always intrigued over what my favorite celebs will do for Halloween. So far, Christina’s Cher had me gagged, Mariah’s Jessica Rabbit served, and I’m wondering if/what thee Kylie will dress up this year.

Then I saw this clip…

…and I don’t know if it can be topped. I can be a sucker for anything Showgirls-related. And I didn’t know that was Ariana Grande playing Nomi Malone; she nailed it!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

These Cool Poems – “IWD Edition”

Happy (almost belated) International Women’s Day! I may be late in this (Wednesdays are usually my Mondays in terms of work week, and let’s just say I had a helluva busy “Monday”), but celebrating strong, fearless, and creative women is not limited to one day in my book. In honor of this special day, two poems from two of my idols!


Poems courtesy of 
ETA: since copying and pasting the poems above word-by-word from the linked site didn’t display properly for me, I chose to use images of the poems instead.