A Halloween Stunner

I’m always intrigued over what my favorite celebs will do for Halloween. So far, Christina’s Cher had me gagged, Mariah’s Jessica Rabbit served, and I’m wondering if/what thee Kylie will dress up this year.

Then I saw this clip…

…and I don’t know if it can be topped. I can be a sucker for anything Showgirls-related. And I didn’t know that was Ariana Grande playing Nomi Malone; she nailed it!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Trips Of A Birthday Girl

up on the balcony

Ten years ago today: me having some birthday fun in the Hollywood Hills. I remember that Cookies & Cream cake I bought at a Pavilions. I can’t eat that cake nowadays! 

I enjoy traveling, and more so on my birthday. With the exception of 2020 and 2021 (because pandemic), I’ve celebrated my birthday far from home. I do have this rule where I don’t go anywhere on my actual born day, as I do my best to limit outside fuckery that I can’t control. (I don’t want my special day ruined!) But I’d also be in a vacation rental home or in a hotel room. The last time I stayed in my actual home on my birthday was…oh hell…well over ten years ago! It was probably in 2010, but it worked out for me as the SF Giants won the World Series that year, and I wouldn’t have been able to attend their parade if I went on my annual birthday trip.

I know where I was a year ago. Five years ago. Ten years ago. The poolside cabin in Long Beach that was also my first vacation in three years. The top floor penthouse condo in Vegas where I had access to the roof and thus had 360-degree views of Vegas awesomeness, from the Strip to the surrounding mountains. The small apartment in the Hollywood Hills that boasted panoramic views from downtown to the Pacific and even Catalina Island. (Notice a little trend?) I certainly was not in my little Bay Area home to blow out the candles.

My Vegas trip from five years ago. Views of the Strip from the Paris Las Vegas Eiffel tower, and Red Rock Canyon Park. 

This year, I buck the trend and stay home. I could’ve gone somewhere again, and a part of me kept asking myself “whyyyy are you staying home?” Yeah, why am I staying home? Oh, that’s right: next year is a milestone birthday. And I’m saving up for that so I can go all-out for my, uh…21st (for the third time). Till then, I shall enjoy my birthday gifts from my friends, pig out on sugar-free cupcakes, figure out what Halloween costume I should wear, and simply kick back in the comfort of my own home.

Forever Adore: Jackie Collins

Posthumous birthday wishes to one of my idols today, Jackie Collins. Ten years ago, an acquaintance suggested her books to me while I sought out stories that did not involve some psycho rich guy abusing his virginial young female lover (and the whole thing being framed as a “romance” *gags*). Dangerous Kiss was the first JC book I read, and I’ve been hooked on her work since then. Lucky, American Star, and her LA Confidential series remain tops from her collection. Jackie’s likely making angels clutch their pearls with her latest tome up in heaven as I type, but, here on earth, she’ll always remain an inspiration of mine. ❤

Plus, she’s forever a queen for this quote!

ETA: my birthday tweet to her got reposted by her account!!!  😀

New Month, New Site

new site address!

Finally! I get to use my domain here. Bought it almost a year ago, but I ended up waiting for a good flash sale for paid WP plans. Apparently, 30% off is the best deal they could offer (sheesh, I remember them offering half-off deals years ago), and since I like to start new things at the beginning of the month, yours truly got her a two-year plan here to make this blog truly mine. (I chose to “connect” instead of “transfer”, as I still want to own my domain name instead of WP.) I may change up the look here when I get some free time or when I hit a gnarly writer’s block with my latest work-in-progress. For now, I want to bask in the new blog address smell. Happy October!