Birthdays & Anniversaries

I realize this weekend marks a few notable anniversaries and birthdays. 

Firstly, happy 20th birthday/anniversary to WordPress! I’ve created my fair share of blogs through WordPress in my years of blogging (almost all of them now defunct/idle). Simply put, WP is just easy to use, which is why, despite the shine Substack gets these days, I stick with them for my long-form blogging needs. 

Second, Happy 1st Anniversary to my blog! I haven’t been active here as I’d like to be (thanks, Twitter and life), but I’ll always remember its born day a year ago. 

There’s one more birthday I want to celebrate, but she deserves her own entry! 



Rest In Power, Tina

One of my favorite portraits of the Queen of Rock & Roll (with all due respect to Janis Joplin and Aretha Franklin) Tina Turner, captured by the late, legendary photographer Herb Ritts. The life she had led. Rest in eternal peace and power to a legend, survivor, inspiration, and icon in the truest sense.

“If you are unhappy with anything…whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true creativity, your true self, comes out.” –Turner to Ebony magazine, November 1986

Cover Reveal!

Playgirl eBook cover

Whaddya think? Credit to Vsulov at for the capture and allowing it to be royalty-free. I did the font work, though. 😄

Ah, my first-ever eBook. I feel like a mama expecting her first baby; given the length of its editing/re-writing process, the pregnancy was years long, haha. Expect this baby in June! Till then, I’ll have inspo posts and a snippet of my story here and on my social media. (I also posted a teaser a while back if you want to get an idea of who the Playgirl is.) Stay tuned!