And Tonight, I Get Lit

candle and cat

I’d grumble over my long work weekend happening the same time as 420 weekend, but, honestly, it’s been years since I smoked weed, so I’m not really missing out. I occasionally indulge in a small edible, but that’s about it. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to get into the 420 spirit tonight! I’ve had that Malin + Goetz candle for over a year now, and, yes, I only bring it out during 420 time. (Although its bold aroma can work for cold days of late fall and winter.) Does it smell like cannabis? No, but anyone who enjoys that dank woodsy scent would like it. Happy 420, everyone! 💚

(And watching the flame is my pet “cat” that I got at Trader Joe’s last Halloween. Isn’t he cute?)

Deep Fried Saturday

It’s another blah rainy day in the Bay yet again, so I shall turn to some deep fried comfort food! Keto Fried Chicken is back on the menu again, and for the side dish is Keto French Fries. The latter is super simple to make. No exotic veggies necessary–just flour, water, and xantham gum. I like making the coconut flour version since I don’t have to use as much product (unlike the almond flour version, and almond flour can be costly). And what I like doing with the fries is toasting it for no more than 10 minutes first, then deep frying it after for extra crispy goodness. I got me fast food at home and didn’t need Doordash for it all. 😊