

Read the (lint-covered) shirt. Yes I am! I could’ve made my ethnicity known when I first started this blog two years ago, but I tend to not reveal every single thing about me from the start. I didn’t do this out of it being AAPI Heritage Month, nor did I keep mum about it this whole time due to “shame” or trying to be accepted by everyone. It was simply a matter of being comfortable and ready in sharing more of my personal identity with the public. (My face will likely be the very last thing I reveal to the public, by the way 😜) That said, I’m not fluent in Tagalog; I was born in the States and my silly interests kept me from learning the language of my elders.

I think I’m gonna use my graphic shirts to reveal a little more about me over time. Wait till you see the shirt I got for next month! 👀

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